It's been over a week since I emailed Miss Delia and still no reply. Rude. Plain Rude. I email her again...there's no stopping me now.... this time using the excuse to tell her we have signed up for the Be My Parent newsletter (a kind of mini Argos catalogue of the children waiting to be placed. Heartbreaking stuff, especially when I just want to take them all!) I ask her again if she has any news for us. I get an immediate reply, only this time it's automated and it tells me she is out of the office. #annoyed
So while it feels as if the whole world is on holiday in August apart from me, I've been doing some thinking. Mainly about how people and distant friends will react, when holy shmacaroo, out of the blue, we suddenly have a little one in our lives. The human race are funny and deep down everyone is curious and who doesn't love a good story. Best I prepare myself for the 'oh, I didn't even know you were pregnant scenario.' Now in all honesty, due to the vast amount of cake in my life, I could easily appear a little pregnant thanks to what my sister calls my 'spare tyre' around my middle. Actually, who am I kidding, we're bordering on third trimester here, as I haven't seen my toes for years. But still...I'm going to have to come up with a pretty good story for all those nosey parkers and rubber necks out there. Oh and then there's the 'so whats their story questions?' I feel that whatever circumstances have led this little one into the care system, should remain their personal memoir. It should be their decision one day as to whether they want to share this information with others and not mine. So I need to figure out a way to say 'none of your business' but politely.
I've also finally allowed myself to purchase not just one but two, yes two my friends (!) mother and child magazines. And I've found myself pouring over every page, absorbing everything like a
On the cake front, after much deliberation, I have finally chosen the recipe for my secret project. It's
my spin on a kiddie friendly Anna del Conte chocolate banana cake. Introducing....drum roll
please.....Ta Dah......'The ChoccyNuttyNana Cake' Remember, you saw it here first!
Operation Secret Project |
And our Barnados Counselling got cancelled today! Remember you are approved so Be my parent may be the way to go. Rainbows xx